We Are Open for Business
Dear Business Owner,
We’re pleased to announce the formation of the Town of Niagara Business Liaison Committee, a dedicated group established to connect local government, the community, and the businesses that are vital to our town’s success. Our theme, “We are open for business,” reflects our commitment to creating a supportive environment where your business can thrive. At the heart of our efforts is a genuine desire to build meaningful relationships—because we believe these connections are the foundation for long-term success. This commitment to relationship-building will guide everything we do as we work to support and grow our business community.
Here’s how we can assist you:
• Business Support and Advocacy
We advocate for local businesses by addressing concerns and providing guidance on navigating local regulations, as well as sharing information on valuable resources such as tax incentives and training programs.
• Networking and Communication
We facilitate open lines of communication between business owners, local government, and community stakeholders. By joining our networking events, meetings, and roundtables, you’ll have the opportunity to discuss your business needs and uncover new opportunities.
• Economic Development
Our focus is on strategies to attract new businesses, support the retention of existing ones, and revitalize local business districts, all with the goal of fostering sustainable economic growth. Your success is a cornerstone of our mission.
• Marketing and Promotion
Through strategic campaigns, we aim to differentiate the Town of Niagara and create greater awareness regionally, emphasizing that our town is a welcoming and business-friendly environment. We actively promote our businesses through digital channels, committee events, and to the greater Niagara community. Additionally, we are committed to outreach efforts beyond our town to attract new businesses and highlight the many advantages of establishing a presence here or opening up shop here.
• Community Engagement
We encourage local businesses to take part in community events, fostering partnerships between businesses and residents. Our outreach initiatives are designed to highlight the Town of Niagara as a welcoming and supportive business community.
We invite you to lean on us as a trusted resource to help your business grow and succeed. Whether you need support navigating local regulations, want to connect with other business owners, or are interested in contributing to the town’s economic development, we are here to assist you.
If you’re interested in participating in our events, roundtables, or staying informed about upcoming initiatives, please scan the QR code below to join our mailing list. We look forward to collaborating with you to ensure that the Town of Niagara remains a premier destination for businesses and continues to flourish.
Thank you for being an essential part of the Town of Niagara’s business community. Together, we can make our town an even better place to live, work, and grow.
Warm regards,
The Town of Niagara Business Liaison Committee