Hometown Hero Banners
To be displayed annually at Veterans Memorial Park, 7000 Lockport Road and local roadways until they wear out-potentially 5 years or more.
The program was initiated in 2021.
Many towns and villages throughout the state have taken the opportunity to thank the servicemen and servicewomen who served in the U.S. Armed Forces by displaying banners with their photos.
These banners are purchased by their families or friends and then are prominently displayed through the summer months in Veterans Park and various streets throughout the community.
We accept applications from May-December for the following year.
**Note about Banner Placement
There will be over one hundred Hometown Hero banners hanging in the Town of Niagara from Memorial Day through Veterans Day. As Town of Niagara historian, Pete Ames tries to put them in some kind of order with the help of Phil Mitchell and his crew from the Town of Niagara Parks Department. Since there are so many, we try to have a fairly consistent plan so persons can locate them. Every year we attempt to rotate them so they can be in Veterans Park every third year where they are more visible. Since there are only 38 poles in the park, the others are displayed on local roadways. The banners are 18” x 36” and are that size based on non-adjustable hardware on the old fashioned poles in the park. In order to place them in the park, they had to be that size, and at some point, they all are there at some point.
We attempt to make it fair by placing them in alphabetical order and rotating them on an annual basis. I hope that this helps you in your search, but if you have any questions and/or comments, feel free to call town historian, Pete Ames, anytime at 716-297-4429.
Hometown Hero Banner Order Form