The Town of Niagara is offering a columbarium for cremation burials at Witmer Cemetery. The cemetery is located at the corner of Witmer Road and Pennsylvania Avenue
Each niche can contain up to two cremations. The cost of the niche itself is $2,000 and for each inurnment and inscription it is $500. For one, the price is $2,500, and for two $3,000. Each of the 40 niches will accommodate 2 standard cremains containers, so each urn dimensions must be 11” high x 7.5” deep x 9.5” wide or smaller. Applicants will fill out a form with the name of the person(s) to be interred along with birth and death dates, provide a check for the niche and each inurnment. The inscription will be limited to names, year of birth and year of death; full dates only if space permits. Three symbols, a heart, and Christian Cross are allowed as well as a star or 2”medallion for Veterans to be provided by the funeral director or a family member.
For further information, please contact the Town of Niagara Clerk’s Office at 716-297-2150 extension 131. You are also welcome to reach out to Town of Niagara historian, Pete Ames at 716-297-4429 with any questions and/or comments.
Columbarium Rules and Regulations
Contact Information
Questions – Pete Ames
(716) 297-4429
Purchase – Town Clerk
Phone: (716) 297-2150 ext. 131
Fax: (716) 297-9262